The blog layout is complete!


Well, after more tweaking and adding - the layout is now complete! I like it, it's girly and it has absolutely no book connotations at all, except the title of the blog! I probably should be more IT aware and have coffee and book images falling all over the place. Alas I am not, so you have my efforts from digidesigner software instead.

Plus I like it, which I am sure is the main thing?

I have added onto the left sidebar 4 book images and the links for them in Amazon. Now these are the first four I am going to review. I do have to apologise to Annette Marie, I do not hold her book 'Red Winter' in less esteem than the others, I just am not tech savvy enough to make the picture the same size! Sorry!

They are also my fav four authors, so Jane Washington, Tijan, Donna Augustine and Annette Marie. I have read everything these ladies have produced, so over the course of the days to follow - I'm going to chat to you about them.

Jane Washington will be up first, with her new stand alone masterpiece 'I Am Grey'. I am very lucky to be on Jane's ARC and I have read this already. Honestly, I can not WAIT to share my thoughts on this.......

It is available to preorder now and it goes live on 31 July. I'll be back on the 30th to talk some more about it.

See you then!

Eve x


  1. I love the layout and will stalk with interest!

  2. Hi lovely, your blog is so pretty! Great to see you indulging your passion, I’m not really a reader, can’t relax my mind enough, I wish I could! Maybe I can read books via your reviews!
    Hugs xx Cara xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on this post. I have comment moderation on to stop the anonymous spam. If your comment is in relation to my post, it will be posted and I will probably comment back - so please feel free to share your thoughts about my blog and the books with me. Have a great day! Eve x